Founding Committee

Shyam Kumar Pun


Shyam Kumar Pun has completed Master’s Degree in Zoology, Tribhuvan University. He has interested in Humanitarian Aid, Herpetofauna, Mammals and Parasitology. He is member of IUCN/SSC- Tortoise and Freshwater Specialist Group and also member of several scientific NGOs and INGOs. He has attended several scientific conferences and exhibition as poster and oral presenter in national, regional and international stages. 

He have received ‘Best oral and poster presenter’ in the conference and also awarded as Dayananda Bajracharya Research Award (Best M.Sc thesis award) from Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST). He has published couple of national and international peer-review journal. He has skill and knowledge of some software like graphic design, multimedia, Arc GIS, QGIS, R programming, EndNote etc.

Bishnu Thapa

Vice President

Bishnu Thapa awarded his M.Sc in Zoology with a specialization in Ecology and Environment from Central Department of Zoology, Tribhuvan University. His principle interest includes ecology of Red panda, birds and community based conservation. He has past experience of working in different mega project including National Survey of Red Panda conducted by Red Panda Network, Nepal with the funded of WWF and USAID and Small Mammal Conservation and Research Foundation (SMCRF) in WWF funded project entitled “Functionality study of the North-south linkage in Chitwan-Annapurna Landscape”. 

In addition, he has also worked as a principle investigator on rufford foundation funded project entitled “Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens fulgens Cuvier 1825) status, distribution and participatory conservation initiatives in Bhojpur district of eastern Nepal”. He has attained several national scientific conferences. He has published his scientific research work on couple of international peer-review journal.

Ganesh Ghimire


Ganesh Ghimire completed his Master’s Science in Zoology with specialization in Parasitology, Tribhuvan University with a thesis supportive grant from University Grant Commission (UCG). He is interested in the wildlife management and conservation sector, mammal, birds, Red Panda, parasitic analysis and animal welfare. He has been included in the National Survey of Red Panda conducted by Red Panda Network, Nepal with the funding of WWF and also involved in the Tiger count project in Chitwan National Park by WWF. He trained wildlife techniques. He has published a couple of papers.

Team- Saru
Shyam Kumari Saru


Shyam Kumari Saru has passed M.Sc in Zoology from Tribhuvan University with awarded of scholarship. She interest in Pangolin, small mammal (carnivore) and amphibian. She has leaded the team for Pangolin and King Cobra project and assisted the couple of research and conservation program such as pangolin, musk deer, hispid hare, rodent, bumblebees and also she worked as resource person in IUCN Nepal project. She attended number of training and workshop. Ms. Saru has skill of GIS, R-studio and SPSS.

Karishma Shrestha


Karishma Shrestha has completed Master’s Zoology from Tribhuvan University. She has trained diploma in computer software, scientific paper, and GIS. She lectures Zoology in couple of colleges.

regina rai
Rejina Rai


Rejina Rai has passed M.Sc in Chemistry from Tribhuvan University. She lectures Chemistry in college.

Anil Poudel


Anil Poudel has passed M. Sc in Chemistry from Tribhuvan University. He lectures Chemistry in college.